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3 Most Hazardous Professions And Industries

Graphic Stating "3 Most Hazardous Professions and Industries"

Graphic Stating "3 Most Hazardous Professions and Industries"

We face dangers in our lives whether we realize it or not, like texting while driving or riding motorcycles, but there are several industries where employees face real dangers just by doing their jobs. Here are just some of the most dangerous industries and what makes them so hazardous.

The construction industry is infamous for its many associated risks. Employees often work with hazardous materials and manipulate them at high altitudes. It’s easy to imagine a 30-story building being slowly put together, but it’s harder to imagine being a worker up there, installing windows or sidewalls on the very top floor with little to no support.
This type of hazardous labor increases the risk of injury, and even death, exponentially. In just the United States alone, more than 50% of all work-related accidents are a result of falls with older workers. The construction industry has taken steps to decrease these risks by requiring hard hats, safety glasses, and reflective clothing, but it will be many more years before the rate of injury drops considerably.

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Health Services
While it might not be one that most would initially think of, the health services industry is rife with risk. Health care professionals take on so much behind the scenes that I’m sure when they happily greet us at a hospital, people hardly register the dangers associated with their daily activities. The long hours and stressful environments can take a toll on anyone, and studies have shown that even prolonged exposure to sick patients can cause infections and illness (both mild and serious) in health care professionals. Hospitals go to great lengths to maintain sterile environments, but unfortunately, even small injuries, such as accidental needle pricks, are all too common. A good procedure to implement is regularly scheduled employee health checks to reduce and even avoid serious health risks.


The manufacturing industry has a broad realm of related industries, from food to furniture, but with those tangent industries comes a laundry list of risks. Most manufacturing professionals operate heavy machinery, handle hazardous materials, and encounter malfunctions and common mishaps with all sorts of industry tools. Technology has been a huge boon to the manufacturing industry and has allowed safeguards and automation to be put in place to protect employees and decrease risk. However, there will always be a need for protection as long as people are still involved in the manufacturing process.

Contact Us Today
While accidents don’t happen all the time, the risks associated with these professions cannot be ignored. Know that if you ever fall victim to an accident in these industries and need proper representation, we are at your service. To find out more about what we can do for you, give us a call at (888) 740-6434.

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