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What type of benefits does Workers’ Compensation Pay For?

When Injured at work, the workers’ compensation system in California generally pays for four benefits. These benefits can seem very straight forward however, it’s not the case for everyone. The insurance carrier can sometimes play dirty and will do anything it can to prevent an injured worker from getting the following benefits.

  1. Medical Care - If you’re injured at work, your employer and the insurance carrier have an obligation to provide you with cost free medical care you need in order to help you recover for an injury that happened at your workplace.
  1. Temporary Disability - Unlike medical care, Temporary Disability is CA is a financial benefit that is designed to compensate you for your lost earnings while you are off of work due to a workplace injury.
  1. Permanent Disability - This is a bit different than Temporary Disability. The benefit of Permanent Disability in CA is designed to compensate you for the residual functional impairment you have from a work injury. Once you have medically reached a state of no change with your work injury, then this benefit will become available.
  1. Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher – This is a voucher for up to $6,000 that the insurance company is responsible of providing you if you’re given permanent work restrictions and your employer can’t accommodate. This benefit is designed to help you retrain or re-educate so that you can get back to the work force following an injury.

On top of what the insurance provider gives for the Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher, the state of California also has a programmed called The Return To Work Supplement. If you are approved for the Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher from the insurance carrier, then the State of CA will also pay you an additional $5,000 payment.

If you’ve suffered work-related accidents, injuries, or illnesses that left you unable to continue work for some time, our Northern California Workers' Compensation Attorneys' can help get you back up on your feet with all the compensation you deserve.

We’re a workers’ comp law firm in Northern California who strive to ensure injured workers can navigate and secure their benefits, so get a free consultation with us at 800-606-6999 and book your appointment today!

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