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5 Ways to Fight Quarantine Fatigue

kids running and mom and dad frustrated on the couch
mom and dad on couch frustrated at home

As humans we are definitely not used to staying put, and we have the urge to explore our beautiful planet. But cabin fever. Stir-craziness. Stuck-inside-itis was not just invented for the heck of it. COVID-19 outbreak, has added a new one too. Quarantine fatigue.

Can you relate? Quarantine fatigue is defined in many different ways. But even if your world’s feels like it's getting out of hand and way out of normal, there are a few things you can change to get back on track. Kaiser Permanente recently released 5 tips we'd like to share with you.

These tips can also be used as healthy habit in our lives regardless of COVID-19.

1. Maintain a routine

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day to help your body establish a rhythm. Yes, weekends, too!
  • Start your day off right by eating breakfast, writing a to-do list, and getting dressed for what’s ahead, whether it’s work or a day of relaxation.
  • Set up “zones” for work, sleep, and play to prevent your living spaces from blending together.
  • Leave the work at work. When you’re done for the day, shut down your work devices. And if you work from home, take a quick walk to air out your stressors — and help you see your home office as just a home when you get back.

2. Stay on the move

More time at home can make it hard to get your steps in. And all that sitting can take a toll on your physical health. If the only time you’re walking is from your kitchen table “office” to your couch, it’s important to focus on moving more. Pace during work calls, play with your pet, and make regular exercise part of your routine.

Exercise doesn’t just boost physical health. It also helps your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. You might not have access to pre-pandemic resources like gym equipment, running paths, and team sports, but don’t let that stop you from staying active. For an easy way to exercise from the comfort of home, try online fitness programs. Cardio, boxing, and yoga are great choices that don’t require much more than a pair of sneakers.

3. Don’t make food an afterthought

Have your eating habits shifted since you started staying home more? Maybe you skip bigger meals in favor of smaller snacks. Or take more trips to the fridge just because it’s “right over there.” Maybe you’re eating less altogether, or more. Emotional eating is a very real effect of quarantine fatigue. And right now, it’s especially important to be mindful of what, when, and why you’re munching.

Here’s a handful of easy ways to start regulating your relationship with food:

  • Plan meals and mealtimes in advance. This can help you put more thought into your daily nutritional intake, keep your brain active and fueled throughout the day, and avoid grazing on unhealthy snacks.
  • Improve your mood with healthy food so you can feel your best in body, mind, and spirit.
  • Break up the monotony by mixing new recipes into your weekly meal plan.

4. Socialize safely

“Social distancing” doesn’t mean you should distance yourself from society. In fact, that’s why we prefer to call it physical distancing. Still, when you’re staying home more, spending time with others can be challenging — which is where technology comes in.

Having some online engagements to look forward to is a great way to fight back against loneliness and quarantine fatigue with some laughs and love:

  • Video chat with friends and family for some face-to-face time
  • Organize a game night around popular apps or online events
  • Start a personal video blog, share it with your family and friends, and challenge them to do the same
  • Host a trivia night — or team up in an online trivia league

5. Be kind to yourself

COVID-19 has changed everyone’s life in some way. So if you’re feeling sad or anxious, that’s completely normal. We’re all taking things day by day in our own way — and you should, too. Just remember to be kind to yourself, rest and recharge when you need to, and take steps to support your emotional health.

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