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Pacific Workers' Compensation Covid Update: Alameda County Extends Shelter-In-Place Order to May 3 Playgrounds Closed

Kids just having a blast
kids on a playground

Alameda County Extends Shelter-In-Place Order to May 3 With Additional Restrictions - Playgrounds to Close

Pacific Workers, Oakland, March 31, 2020

The Alameda County Public Health Department has announced an extension of the Shelter-In-Place Orders with additional restrictions. The new date, which aligns with the 6 Bay Area counties is now May 6. The additional restrictions are that local playgrounds will be closed and there are new restrictions on construction projects, including commercial and residential. The full text of the order can be found at the Alameda County Health Department Site. ACPHD Updated Shelter In Place Order

As confirmed COVID-19 cases in Alameda County continue to grow, the Alameda County Public Health Officer has aligned with the six other Bay Area Health Officers to issue an updated Stay-at-Home Order.

The public health officer indicated that to slow the spread of the virus, stricter guidelines for parks, beaches, other open spaces and essential and non-essential business operations are needed during this time. The new order also clarifies restrictions on childcare and construction.

Social distancing is a must if we want to slow the spread of COVID-19. Let's all do our part in this fight, and stay at home, limiting our outings to only what is essential.

Updated and Extended Order Directing
Alameda County to Shelter at Home

Alameda County joined six (6) other Bay Area health jurisdictions to extend through May 3, 2020, our jointly issued Shelter in Place Order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs.

All persons to shelter at their place of residence, other than to provide or receive essential services, which include:

  • Performing tasks or activities essential to personal or family health and safety;

  • Obtaining necessary services and supplies, including perishable goods;

  • Engaging in outdoor activity; and

  • Performing work providing essential products and services.

All non-essential businesses to cease non-exempt operations at physical locations.

Cessation of all non-essential travel.

The Full 15 Page Order Can be Found Here

Pacific Workers' Compensation Law Center. The Lawyers for Injured Workers. Pacific Workers' fights for justice for workers against the insurance companies. Now also representing the workers of our community in their Personal Injury claims as well as Workers' Compensation Claims.

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