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Subtle Symptoms of Brain Injuries


Employees who work around heavy equipment, in moving vehicles, at the top of high places, and around slip hazards could suffer a head injury just about any day of the week, especially if their supervisors are not maintaining standards on the jobsite. In many situations, after receiving a blow to the head, an employee may still be able to stay on their feet. This can lead to the false conclusion that everything is fine and they only need a little bit of rest. In reality, they may have suffered a brain injury and not even know it.

Dangerously Subtle Brain Injury Symptoms

A devastating brain injury will probably be noticeable immediately. The victim will lose consciousness, begin vomiting, bleed from the ears or nose, or lose the ability to stand up on their own. If a coworker exhibits these symptoms, please call emergency medical responders at once.

The more subtle signs of a brain injury, those that are not spotted at a cursory glance or understood to be life-threatening, are often just as dangerous as the immediately-recognizable indicators. Part of their danger comes from a lack of diagnosis. People who do not think they have a brain injury to do not see a doctor for a full diagnosis and the injury worsens over time, culminating to a complication that could take their life.

Some of the subtle symptoms you must be aware of are:

  • Waves of nausea or dizziness
  • Periodic balance issues
  • Chronic headaches or uncharacteristic migraines
  • Reduced clarity of vision or sense of smell
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Amnesia and memory loss
  • Insomnia, or overactive sleep cycle
  • Mood swings

Any of these symptoms may seem to be of only mild concern but they must be taken seriously, especially if the person experiencing them has also been in an accident recently. When it doubt, let a doctor sort it out.

Legal Help After Medical Help

Once you have been examined by a doctor, if they have determined that you have suffered a brain injury, you need to next start thinking about liability. If you were hurt on the job, you should be rewarded workers’ compensation that helps pay for all of your needs now and far into the future, for a brain injury’s complications can linger for years and years. Call (888) 740-6434 to connect with our Oakland workers’ comp attorneys from Pacific Workers’ Compensation Law Center. With our help, you may be able to rest comfortably as you recover, either through a negotiated benefits package, an out-of-court settlement, or a jury verdict following litigation.

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