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What to Expect at Your Deposition?

What to Expect at Your Deposition?

What to Expect at Your Deposition?

A deposition is a question-and-answer session given before a court reporter who takes down everything that is being said word-for-word. This is done under the penalty of perjury, which means that you are legally bound to tell the truth. Think of your deposition as an interview: the deposition is when you will get to tell your story about the injury, your treatment, and how it has affected your life. It is a crucial juncture in the case, and it provides an official record of what happened the day you were injured, what treatments you've undergone, what treatments are planned for your future, as well as other key facts.

The deposition typically takes place in a law office, and there is no judge present. At some point during your Workers' Compensation case, you will most likely have a deposition, but don't worry your attorney will be there with you. A good workers' compensation lawyer will make sure that you are prepared for the deposition, just as they would prepare a client in a more complex litigation matter. The information gathered during the deposition will be used for the duration of the Workers' Compensation process.

You might get nervous before your deposition some of our clients do. At Pacific Workers', we like to tell them, “This might be your first deposition, but it's not ours.” Often, it's not even the first deposition in our office that day! An experienced Workers’ Compensation attorney has done countless depositions for Workers' Compensation cases so even though it is a critical stage, you do not need to worry with good counsel sitting beside you during your deposition.

If you'd like our team by your side for your deposition, schedule your free consultation today at 800 606 6999.

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