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Tried and Tested Tips for a Successful Deposition

Tried and Tested Tips for a Successful Deposition

Sometimes, unexpected things happen in the workplace that may cause injury and other health conditions. But thankfully, if you live in California, workers who get injured at work are guaranteed workers' compensation insurance coverage from their employer.

However, some employers and insurance providers are not always willing to pay for these injuries and may have doubts regarding the extent of one's injuries, treatments, and ability to work. If you file for dispute, you might be deposed by the insurance provider's lawyers.

A deposition is a formal, out-of-court procedure where the attorneys will question the issue. Because of this, you have the right to have your own workers' compensation attorney represent you and present your case at the deposition.

Understandably, being in the hot seat can be overwhelming and intimidating, but thankfully, our team of experienced attorneys has listed some tried and tested tips that can help you achieve a successful deposition.

Tip #1: Always Be Prepared

Before the deposition, it's best to meet with your workers' compensation attorney so you can prepare for the session. You can ask them about the topics you can expect and even go over some sample questions during this time.

Besides that, your attorney may let you know the deposition guidelines and that the whole session may be recorded. So besides understanding your case like the back of your hand, they can also provide some tips to wear so you can dress accordingly.

Tip #2: Tell The Truth

This tip may be a no-brainer, but it's best to always tell the truth. If your attorney asked you a question, it's best to provide a direct answer. Your attorney will be there to provide your answers and even correct you if you're wrong about something.

Also, before beginning the deposition, the Court Reporter will put you under oath, so providing false testimony may cause you penalties for perjury.

Tip #3: Only Answer Questions Presented

When you ask a question, it's best to answer truthfully. However, do not ask the examiner to rephrase when you don't understand a question. And also, it's best to remember that if you don't get a question, you don't have to give an answer.

Another thing to note is that a deposition isn't a conversation, in fact, they're examining you. So, in that case, don't let the examiner put words into your mouth and don't answer questions or acknowledge statements that include incorrect facts.

Tip #4: Stay Calm Throughout The Session

One of the most common things that cause people to do poorly at a deposition is losing their cool. No matter how angry or frustrated you are, you shouldn't let your emotions take over the deposition session.

You should also try to avoid doing things that may attract the ire of your opponent. So don't argue with them or exaggerate your injuries. Instead, stick to the facts.

The Bottom Line: Work With a Strong and Credible Workers' Compensation Attorney

We hope that the tips above have helped you in your endeavor to fight for your rights to get the workers' compensation insurance benefits you deserve. Of course, to help you obtain a successful deposition, it's best to work with a workers' compensation attorney with a lot of experience up their sleeve.

With their help, they get to provide you with the right guidance, assistance, and expertise to help you win the case.

How Can We Help You?

Pacific Workers', The Lawyers for Injured Workers offer legal services, such as workers' compensation for business professionals, airline workers, firefighters, health workers, police officers, union workers, and more.

Are you looking for a worker's compensation attorney in Oakland? Give us a call today at 800-606-6999 and get a free consultation!

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